

Bryntel Technologies client services are available during normal business hours from 9am to 5pm weekdays. We are closed on weekends. Off hour services including programming, email, phone call communications, consulting, etc. are available by pre‐arrangement at a rate of $120 per hour. At our discretion, we may choose to complete off hour work for our clients in order to meet deadlines, etc., not possible during normal business hours. If the work is performed at our discretion, the client will only be billed at our regular rate of $80 per hour (15 minute minimum).


Our reputation is based upon fast, reliable services to our clients. In the interest of efficiency, we work with all clients on a first come, first served basis. Clients who consistently maintain a history of timely payment (see below) will receive first priority. Clients with past due balances, discounted rates, bartered and/ or pro‐bono work will be served as time permits. Costs can be minimized and project time reduced through good planning and preparation of your source materials, prior to submitting a work request to Bryntel Technologies.


All work completed during a period of one month will be invoiced on the first day of the next month. Payment terms are 15 days. We will send out mid‐month reminders to any clients who have not remitted payment within 15 days of receipt of an invoice. Invoices are considered past due if not paid in full within 30 days of receipt. We reserve the right to suspend any pending work requests until past due balances are paid in full. A history of past dues may also result in pre‐payment before any pending work requests can be fulfilled.


Bryntel Technologies does not provide web design, programming, graphics or any other type of educational services. If you would like to learn how to build or edit a website, there are many books and courses available publicly. We do not provide or distribute commercial software to our clients. At our discretion, we may recommend license free shareware resources to our clients, to help them maintain their websites. Content Management Systems (CMS) are often referred to as “do it yourself” websites. Do not confuse “do it yourself” with “do it itself” websites, as there is no such thing. Even a so‐called “do it yourself” website requires a bit of education and a learning curve. If you’re not the type of person willing to educate yourself and take time to learn how a CMS works, a “do it yourself” website may not be for you. In that case, a traditional website that we maintain for you might be your best possible choice.


Our Office Location

Hamilton, Ohio 45013


Call us Directly

Contact: Matt
Email: Bryntel Technologies
Monday - Friday


Company Details

Bryntel Technologies
Matt Bryant
Owner/Lead Developer